Sunday, 16 May 2010

Braid, Headstock, Ice Cube, and Anvil

impletim relatii, impletim culturi, impletim diferite limbi...
acordaj, in impletirea relatiilor acordam atitudini, acordam tonuri, armonizam relatiile...
cool, sau topire.
fi tare, fi rece cind situatia o cere,
sau topeste-ti incapatinare, rautatea...
ai nevoie de suport ca sa te lasi modelat, prelucrat pentru a putea fi mai apoi impetit.

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The universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding / in all of the directions it can whiz / as fast as it can go / the speed of light you know / twelve million miles a minute and thats the fastest speed there is / so remember when your feeling very small and insecure / how amazingly unlikely is your birth / and pray that there intelligent life somewhere up in space / cause theres bugger all down here on Earth. (Monty Python)